Why You Should Try Augmented Reality as a 3D Holograph (Not as a Wearable)

Why You Should Try Augmented Reality as a 3D Holograph (Not as a Wearable)

Augmented Reality has had a few setbacks in recent years, as has virtual reality. From the launch of Google Glass in 2012, tech companies and startups have awoken to the fact that very few consumers are interested in what they are selling: which is essentially a new reality worn as a wearable. The press, including Time Magazine and Vogue magazine, pushed Google Glass as the next best thing. Television also supported the new customer adoption with “Saturday Night Live” and celebrities such as Oprah, Beyoncé and Bill Murray publicly wore them. Consumers resisted, however, and we are seeing the same happen with virtual reality lately. While the VR companies do not report sales, some data is available by SuperData Research showing Oculus with 360,000 headsets sold, HTC with 450,000 headsets sold and Sony with roughly 750,000 headsets sold. This means it will take some time before VR headsets reach the level of a PlayStation 4, which has currently sold 53 million consoles. There’s also the issue of market saturation, which GoPro found, that there are only so many “enthusiasts” who want to buy in at this level for a specialty device.

Meanwhile, there are other options to interact with augmented reality that are more consumer friendly. One of these is HoloVit Holography, which CitizenTekk has partnered with for a giveaway.

Holovit is “the world’s first 3D holography video game” that works with an interactive 3D app. The screen is designed to work without the need for a projector or special equipment, and the device is compatible with a smartphone, table, laptop or TV. The HoloVit screen requires no power and when set at the optimal distance enables, images and video to be viewed from the side receiving the reflection.  It even works well in brightly lit rooms. The HoloVit screen allows one to watch hundreds of online videos and hologram shows. The screens are available in three sizes depending on the device.

To view how the 3D holography system works:


Additionally, if one wants to turn themselves into a hologram, they can purchase the Hologram Recording Set. One can record their own hologram and then share these holographic videos with friends on social media such as Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp not requiring any particular recorder.

Beth Kindig
Beth Kindig writes the "This Week in Tech News" column covering the most essential headlines of the week in abbreviated form. Her readers are busy professionals and casual tech enthusiasts who want to effortlessly stay on top of the latest news. Follow her on Twitter @Beth_Kindig


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