How Do You Find Your First Customers?

As any business owner will tell you, finding those first ten or twenty customers is always the hardest. For one, you are not an established business ďż˝

How To Be Successful In Business (Without Being an Expert)

There is one mantra that successful entrepreneurs often offer to aspirants – ‘Fail, and fail fast’. The premise is that you do not have

5 Strategies to Make the Most of Your CFO

When you’ve got a great CFO, it’s tempting to keep her siloed in the “money corner,” slaving away in Excel and making projections. You rely on her to monitor cash flow and paint an accurate picture of your company’s financial health — now and in the future.


Mobile Gaming Advances Education, Health & Business

The serious gaming world was an insular one until advances in the mobile industry turned playing video games into a pursuit that transcends gender, age and race. As companies like Snapdragon gave more people access to the best mobile processors for gaming and indy developers started releasing titles at a breakneck pace, mobile gaming became ubiquitous.

10 Ways Bitcoin Could Survive and Succeed

We asked theYoung Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs: “Wi

The Past, Present, and Future of Mobile Payments

Perhaps the earliest form of mobile payments can be found in the barter system, when wealth in many locations was tied to forms of currency that were


The History of The Internet of Things

At its annual 2011 developer conference, Google announced it had developed Android@Home. The technology was desig


Why Application Operations are Needed in the Dynamic Data Center and the Cloud

Massive changes are occurring as to how applications are built, deployed and run, requiring a closer look at applic



The Art of War Applied To Software Development

If you work in the software industry, it’s likely that you have heard about the divide and conquer design paradigm, which basically consists of recu

Design Principles: Introduction To Hierarchy Popular

The need for technical skill in graphic design continues to grow as technologies and interfaces change. Yet, how have fundamental understandings of vi

Slash Chord App: The Story

Tell us about your app Slash Chord! 

Slash Chord was born from my lifelong love of playing music and being fascinated by music theory. Not only that, but I’ve played bass in about a dozen bands over a 20 year span and I’ve always been intrigued by the musician’s I’ve met who just play by ear and never learned theory.


Mobile Gaming Advances Education, Health & Business

The serious gaming world was an insular one until advances in the mobile industry turned playing video games into a pursuit that transcends gender, age and race. As companies like Snapdragon gave more people access to the best mobile processors for gaming and indy developers started releasing titles at a breakneck pace, mobile gaming became ubiquitous.


85% of CMOs Say Cross-Channel Marketing Strategy Thwarted by Access to Data

Despite the fact that companies are gathering more data than ever, 85% of CMOs say they struggle to effectively access and utilize this data in a meaningful way. This is one of the findings from a survey by among 223 CMOs that spend over $5 million on digital marketing.