February 2016

How to Detect Lat/Long and Prevent Location Spam

Location features and data collection are becoming the peloton in mobile development, and with this signal comes plenty of location spam. BIA/Kelsey predicted in a recent study that location targeted revenues will soar to $18.2 billion in the US in 2019, up from $4.3 billion in 2014. Similarly, Google emphasized the importance of location for mobile users by saying over 50% of mobile searches have local intent, for example, to find a shoe store nearby. Moreover, other…

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Design Principles: Introduction To Hierarchy

The need for technical skill in graphic design continues to grow as technologies and interfaces change. Yet, how have fundamental understandings of visual hierarchy, perception and composition changed along with new interfaces? The modern concept of human visual perception is rooted in psychological study. Thus, the way that we see and perceive graphic information will always be the same, despite continually changing graphic interfaces. So, how can contemporary interactive design consider and improve upon the…

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